Interview Formadmin2025-02-27T14:25:58+00:00 Personal Data Information Status SingleMarried Filling SeparateMarried Filling JointlyQualifying WidowerHead of Household First Name Middle Name Last Name Social Security Number (SSN) Day Of Birth Occupation Mailing Address City, State, ZIP: Apt. Phone Number Cell Number E-Mail Spouse First Name Middle Name Last Name Social Security Number (SSN) Day Of Birth Occupation Mailing Address City, State, ZIP: Apt. Phone Number Cell Number E-Mail How do you want to receive your refund? Direct DepositCheck at Office (RAC)Check at home (upfront) Direct Deposit Bank Routing #: CheckingSavings Account Number Dependent 1 Full Name Relationship Social Security/ITIN D.O.B 2 Full Name Relationship Social Security/ITIN D.O.B YES or NO In year Did you pay for College? YesNo Did you own a home? YesNo Do you own a business? YesNo Do you work from home? YesNo Do you receive dividends? YesNo Did you receive bank interest? YesNo Did you buy a car? YesNo Did you sell stock or cryptocurrency? YesNo Did you have employee expenses? YesNo Did you pay for child care services? YesNo Did you receive social security benefits or unemployment? YesNo Did you pay into a retirement account (or withdraw), IRA or pension this year? YesNo Did you receive other income like cash or checks for other work (for example a side business)? YesNo Did you have gambling winnings? YesNo